Apparently, it went down to 5℃ in Tokyo the other day, but it is still summer in Okinawa☀️
Although it got chilly in Okinawa the other day as well, the heat came back. I’m so bored of summer outfits..
記事はこちら♪ → http://www.houyhnhnm.jp/news/20798/
Anyway, we have good news today! VIVON got featured on HOUYHNHNM online magazine!!
Check the article here → http://www.houyhnhnm.jp/news/20798/
It is actually our first time to be featured on Japanese online media. Hope more and more people get to know VIVON and try on our jewellery and glasses :))
DANは那覇で相棒SHIMONとPlant & Soilというセレクトショップを経営していて、最新のトレンドファッションやライフスタイルを沖縄の人々に向けて発信しています。
Speaking of HOUYHNHNM, our friend Dan writes blogs for the online magazine.
Dan and our mutual friend Shimon run a fashion boutique called Plant & Soil in Naha, and they introduce latest fashion and lifestyle to people in Okinawa.
本土で人気のあるブランドも沖縄にはほとんど出回っていなくて、オシャレに敏感なうちなーんちゅは東京に行かないと買えないのが現状です。。Plant & Soilには東京でアパレルをしていたSHIMONの選ぶセンスのいい素敵な洋服やアクセサリー、雑貨が揃っています。2人のインスタグラムではメンズファッションのコーディネートなども紹介しているので是非チェックしてみてください♪
In Okinawa, we have no access to current fashion, and those who are fashion-conscious have to travel all the way to Tokyo to buy something cool. Plant & Soil offers stylish clothes, accessories and other goods selected by Shimon. Dan and Shimon presents men’s fashion coordination on their Instagram. Please check them out!
SHIMON Instagram → @shimon0408
DAN Instagram → @dan_shinjo
We are LGBT friendly♡
Bye now!